Support Local Arts!

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Share your love of the Arts!

Help us continue to provide the great arts experiences to our community!

We did a lot in 2022! And we have lots of big plans for 2023!

Will you join us to bring these plans to reality?

Just a few Hub Highlights:

  • The Hub celebrated five years in our building!
  • started professional development workshops for artists.
  • grew our programs by making our Program Coordinator full-time.
  • held another amazing Night Market despite the rain.
  • started hosting Open Mic Nights.
  • screened ‘Losing Normal’ for our community.

As we look forward to the new year we have lots of exciting events happening! A few things to look forward to in 2023: More programs, more partnering with local organizations, building our community of artists and musicians, AND we are hosting ‘Spark! Places of Innovation’ from the Smithsonian’s Museum on Main Street program. You read that correctly, we are bringing you a Smithsonian Exhibit in 2023!

We are so grateful to have a such a supportive community! Your gift, no matter the size, will help us bring these great events to our community.

And don't forget if you set up a recurring donation for at least $10 per month, you'll become a member of the Hub Club! Members of the Hub Club get early registration and discounts on many of our programs as well as a quarterly gift.